For the first twenty-one summers on Earth, my days began with the sound and scent of a tiny patch of the Mediterranean, unknown to most. My latest works come from this place. I’d like to tell you about it.

There’s the Ocean, it’s mighty. But then there’s “more”. My Sea. My patch.
I know the depth, the hues, the currents. By heart.
Some secrets about my sea were passed on to me by my grandfather.
I still keep them.
My grandfather had one boat for life. “Kaic”.
Poems are written about this bond between the Sea, the Fisherman, and the Kaic.
In Dalmatia, when you see a Kaic on the dry upside down, for a long period of time, it speaks of a fisherman's final voyage.

What remains... is the gift of time.
The Korralyi Collection

Enjoy the the full audio-visual here. To collect, check this Opensea page.

Enjoy the the full audio-visual piece here. To collect, check this Opensea page.

Enjoy the the full audio-visual piece here. To collect, check this Opensea page.

Enjoy the the full audio-visual piece here. To collect, check this Opensea page.

My gratitude
Creating the Korralyi Collection was a journey made possible with the patronage of the NFD Community, conceived and led by Path, to whom I owe my heartfelt thanks. The NFD community commissions artists to create works that are then gifted to the most dedicated community members.
Thank you for the gift of time.